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Select your clock style
Classic Focused Analog Metropolis Galaxy Pixel
Keep your pins inside this box!
Type pin: [space] in the command box
Type pin: [space] in the command box
Login with Spotify
Search tracks, albums and more!
Search was moved to the command box!
Set an alarm Alt + a
Set an alarm that wakes you up with beautiful colors. And don't worry if you accidentally close the tab, I'll keep that in mind :)
Pomodoro timer
Start the timer Alt + f
Longer sessions
The Pomodoro Timer efficiently splits your workflow into a 25-minutes working session and a 5-minutes break. You can also set a longer 45/15-minutes session if you really are an hard-worker
Pin a new message Alt + p
Create a new reminder which will always stay on top using the Rooster
Create a reminder Alt + r
Set and manage reminders
Create as repeated by default
All your reminders
Accent color
Change the accent color
Customize Relaxing Clock
Customize the font of the clock
High contrast
Keep the colors vibrant
Keep the colors bright and vivid when the screen saver is active, super useful if you want Relaxing Clock to shine!
Blinking dots
Let the dots pulsing at rhythm
You can keep the dots fixed if you find them distracting
Show tutorial
Show the introduction tutorial again
Just in case you missed something...
Danger zone
Clear data
Clear all your data including reminders, pins, your Spotify credentials and setting. This cannot be undone.